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About KIFF

Founded in 2017, KIFF aims to bring meaningful films from around the globe to the audiences of Hong Kong. The Festival believes that films act as a powerful medium for rich cultural learning and artistic inspiration, and as such can greatly cultivate the thinking and development of kids and teenagers, and enhance their ability to appreciate different kinds of cultures, arts, and forms of creative media. Through watching films from different genres, children’s imaginations can be broadened, and their understanding towards the film industry can also be enriched. Hong Kong Kids International Film Festival is a co-own non-profit project by 3Space and Golden Scene Company Limited.

香港兒童國際電影節於2017年首辦,致力為小朋友及青少年搜羅來自不同國家及富有意義的精彩電影。KIFF深信電影作為一個具豐富文化及藝術底蘊的媒介,對兒童及青少年的思維發展幫助良多。KIFF銳意透過為兒童及青少年提供欣賞及討論不同種類電影的機會,豐富他們對文化、藝術及創意媒體的了解,通過「閱讀」電影故事,拓寬他們對世界的想像,從而培養他們的自由思想及創意。KIFF是一個非盈利性計劃,由兩個創始成員 Golden Scene Limited 和 3Space 組成。

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