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Screening Time
6/8 (Sat) 14:10
7/8 (Sun) 13:00
13/8 (Sat) 17:00
14/8 (Sun) 15:05
Golden Scene Cinema
6/8 (Sat) 15:30

14/8 (Sun) 16:30
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2022年法國康城世界影展 – 最佳家庭 /兒童電影;最佳年輕男演員;最佳長片女導演

2022年美國洛杉磯獨立短片獎 – 每月最佳外語片;最佳兒童短片白金獎、最佳兒童/年輕男演員白金獎

2022年美國加州KIDS家庭電影節 – 最佳亞洲電影

Cannes World Film Festival, France, 2022 – Best Family/Children Film; Best Young Actor Feature Film; Best Female Director Feature Film

Independent Shorts Awards, USA, 2022 – Best Foreign-Language Film (Special Jury Award); Platinum Award – Best Children Short & Best Child/Young Actor

KIDS International Family Film Festival, USA, 2022 – Best Feature Film (in the region of Asia)

Ten-year-old Kwong is struggling with the stress from school exams and parental conflicts. His love for the outer space provides a safe haven for him to escape from the cruelty of the world. Constantly neglected by his parents, his grandma is his only listener. But after grandma passed away, he becomes obsessed with Pluto. He feels as lonely as the ninth planet which has been excluded from the solar system. He believes that aliens will appear and take him to Pluto, where he will meet his grandma again. One day, Kwong disappears, leaving behind a voice recording astronaut stuffed toy that keeps all his secrets… His parents follow clues from the recording to find their lost son…

Country / Region: HONG KONG
Duration: 54 mins
Yan Yan

Cast: Sean Wong, Sam Chan, Joman Chiang, Hei-Ching Paw, Hathy Law
Language: Cantonese
Subtitle: Chinese and English

Guest of Post-screening Sharing (Conducted in Cantonese):

Producer and Cast (6/8 | 14:10) (13/8 | 17:00)

Producer Jacqueline Liu (6/8 | 15:30)

Sean Wong (7/8 | 13:00) (14/8 | 15:05 & 16:30)


國家 / 地區: 香港
片長: 54 分鐘
導演: 欣欣

語言: 廣東話
字幕: 中、英文字幕


主創及演員團隊 (6/8 | 14:10) (13/8 | 17:00)

監製廖婉虹 (6/8 | 15:30)

演員黃梓樂  (7/8 | 13:00) (14/8 | 15:05 & 16:30)



Movies can be a shared vocabulary that strengthens the bond between the parents (or guardians) and their children. For kids aged from 6 to 11, the ‘Parent-Child Movie Time” screenings are not only about enjoying movies together, but also drawing kids into meaningful conversations afterwards.

烈火少女 FIREHEART 放映時間 Showing Time 6/8 (Sat) @ PE 14:50 6/8 (Sat) @ GSC 16:00 7/8 (Sun) @ PE 14:25 7/8 (Sun) @ GSC 15:30 13/8 (Sat) @ PE 13:00 13/8 (Sat) @ GSC 14:00 14/8 (Sun) @ PE 16:30 14/8 (Sun) @ GSC 14:30

小小吸血鬼 LITTLE VAMPIRE 放映時間 Showing Time 6/8 (Sat) @ PE 15:05 13/8 (Sat) @ PE 15:05 13/8 (Sat) @ GSC 16:00

魔法動物學園 SCHOOL OF MAGICAL ANIMALS 放映時間 Showing Time 6/8 (Sat) @ PE 13:00 7/8 (Sun) @ GSC 13:30 14/8 (Sat) @ PE 13:00

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