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Screening Time


德國影評人協會大獎 – 最佳兒童電影

德國電影獎 – 傑出兒童或青少年電影金獎提名

Hong Kong Premiere

German Film Critics Association Awards – Winner of Best Children's Film

German Film Award – Nominated for Outstanding Children or Youth Film


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East Germany, 1989. Summertime. No one knows the Iron Curtain is about to fall. Twelve-year-old Fritzi lovingly takes care of her best friend Sophie’s little dog Sputnik, while Sophie’s family is on summer vacation in Hungary. When school starts again in fall, however, Sophie doesn‘t come back. Fritzi has to face up to the fact Sophie’s mother has stayed in Hungary with her daughter, like so many other East Germans hoping to reach the West from there. By chance, Fritzi stumbles into a demonstration. She sees the people around her risking arrest, committed to changing their country for the better. Inspired, Fritzi now knows exactly what to do: She has to help Sputnik find Sophie – no matter what!


Country / Region: Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Czech Republic
Duration: 86 mins
Director: Matthias Bruhn, Ralf Kukula
Language: English & German
Subtitle: Chinese & English Subtitled

Guest of Post-screening Sharing (Conducted in Cantonese):

17/7 - Director Mable Cheung
24/7 - Director Mabel Cheung

在1989年的東德,12歲的費琪受好友蘇菲所託,在她與媽媽去匈牙利度假時幫忙照顧小狗。可是暑假結束後,蘇菲卻沒有回來。費琪知道,蘇菲應該是跟很多東德人一樣,希望循匈牙利前往西德,與家人團聚…… 後來費琪又遇上很多人義無反顧地在街頭遊行抗爭,希望令國家變得更好,激發了她鼓起勇氣,帶著小狗,展開驚險旅程,無論如何都要把小狗送回蘇菲身邊。沒想到兩人再見的那一天,竟然成為了重大歷史事件的見證!

國家 / 地區: 德國、盧森堡、比利時、捷克
片長: 86 分鐘
導演: 麥提阿斯布魯恩、華夫古古拉

語言: 英語及德語
字幕: 中英文字幕


18/7 - 導演 張婉婷

24/7 - 導演 張婉婷


Movies can be a shared vocabulary that strengthens the bond between the parents (or guardians) and their children. For kids aged from 6 to 11, the ‘Parent-Child Movie Time” screenings are not only about enjoying movies together, but also drawing kids into meaningful conversations afterwards.

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