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KIFF Movie Pass 之 換票證條款及細則

1. KIFF 電影節通行證分別為五張成人;五張學生、小童及長者換票証,合共十張換票證。換票證用於換領 KIFF 電影節場次的戲票。


2. KIFF 電影節通行證之換票證有效期為 KIFF 宣傳期間及電影節場次(2021 年6 月17日至7 月25 日,或 KIFF 2021 增加的場次),逾期作廢。


3. 換票証只適用於 KIFF 電影節的場次。


4. 電影換票證套票持有人必須預先到 PREMIERE ELEMENTS  或 Golden Scene Cinema 票房以換票証換領戲票,並持有已換領之戲票方可排隊進場。


5. 電影通行證內之換票証可供任可乎合上述條件人士使用。每一張換票証只可換取一張戲票。


6. 可於同一場次使用多張換票証。 


7. KIFF 門票以先到先得形式發售及換領。 KIFF 恕不保證到場的 KIFF換票證持有人能以其換票証換領該場戲票及獲安排入座。如臨場滿座,換票證持有人亦不能換領該場戲票。


8. 每票只限一人進場。幼童不論年齡或任何手抱嬰亦須憑票入場。


9. 本屆電影節為劃位場次。


1. There are total TEN exchange coupons with KIFF MOVIE PASS. FIVE for Adult. FIVE for Child/Student/Senior. Exchange Coupons are valid only for the redemption of movie tickets under KIFF Program 2021.


2. KIFF Exchange Coupons are only valid for KIFF Screenings during the period from 17th - 25th, July, 2021 
(or any additional KIFF 2021 screenings subject to the special arrangement of KIFF) All exchange coupons shall be expired after this period.


3. Exchange coupons are only applicable for the films shown under KIFF Program 2021.


4. Movie tickets must be redeemed at PREMIERE ELEMENTS or Golden Scene Cinema ticketing office before admission.


5. One exchange coupon is valid for the redemption of one movie ticket under KIFF Program 2021.


6. No limit on the number of exchange coupons to be used per each screening. 


7. Please kindly note that seats are limited and are available for redemption on a first-come-first-served basis. KIFF will not be responsible for any failed attempt to redeem ticket or for any late redemption of ticket. Hence, successful redemption of ticket and/or admission will not be guaranteed especially if the house is full and/or approaching full.


8. One ticket per each admission. One ticket per person is required regardless of any age.

9. All KIFF 2021 screenings are NOT free-seating.

KIFF SHORTS 網上短片 五天通行證 (KIFF SHORTS Online Short Films 5-DAY PASS)

1. 一張五天通行證同一時間只可連接1個裝置*,憑門票於指定獨家平台觀看。

2. 通行證將不能退款或更改。

3. 通行證只適用於指定日期及時間內觀看。

4. 嚴禁任何錄影、錄音、轉載、下載、共享、在公共場所播放等之行為,主辦單位及版權持有人一經發現,將對這些行為所產生的任何損失或損害對任何人士保留追究法律責任的權利。

5. 閣下於購買通行證後,如有關單位收到結賬服務所屬銀行通知該結算失效,該門票將即時失效。

6. 主辦單位保留更換表演者及修訂已公佈的節目內容之權利,恕不另行通知。

7. 主辦單位保留拒絕任何不遵守條款的人士觀看決定權。



1. An e-Ticket can only be connected to one device at a time*, and you can watch it on the designated exclusive platform with the e-Ticket.

2. E-Tickets cannot be refunded or changed.

3. The e-Ticket is only valid for watching on the specified date and time.

4. Any video recording, sound recording, reprinting, downloading, sharing, broadcasting in public places, etc. is strictly prohibited. The organizer and copyright holder will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility for any loss or damage caused by these activities once discovered.

5. After you purchase an e-Ticket, if the company receives a notification from the bank of the checkout service that the settlement is invalid, the e-ticket will be invalid immediately.

6. The organiser reserves the right to substitute artists and vary advertised programmes without notice.

7. The organiser reserves the right to refuse viewing by anyone who does not comply with the terms.


* "Devices" include video tools such as computers, tablets and mobile phones, etc.

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Hong Kong Kids International Film Festival is a co-own non-profit project by 3Space and Golden Scene Company Limited.

©2023 All Rights Reserved by Hong Kong Kids International Film Festival

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